Wednesday 29 August 2012


Staffing is the process by which an organization cerates a pool of applicants and makes a choice from that pool to provide the right person at the right place at the right time to increase the organizational effectiveness.
          The staffing function follows the planning and organizing function. It is a continuous process. This function includes recruitment, selection, training, development, transfer, promotion and compensation of personnel.
          According to Koontoz & O’Donnell, “ Managerial function of staffing involves managing the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure.”
          The major elements of staffing are as follows –
i.                   Effective recruitment and selection.
ii.                 Proper classification of personnel and pay fixed for them.
iii.              Proper placement.
iv.              Adequate and appropriate training for development.
v.                 Satisfactory and fair transfer & promotion.
vi.              Sound relationship between management and workers.
vii.            Adequate provision for retirement.

Steps or Functions of Staffing –
1.     Manpower Planning – The very first step in staffing is to plan the manpower inventory required by a concern in order to match them with the job requirements and demands. Therefore, it involves forecasting and determining the future manpower needs of the concern.
2.     Requirement – Once the requirements are notified, the concern invites and solicits applications according to the invitations made to the desirable conditions.
3.     Selection – This is the screening step of staffing in which the solicited applications are screened out and suitable candidates are appointed as per the requirement.
4.     Training and Development – Training is a part of incentives given to the workers in order to develop and grow them within the concern. Training is generally given according to the nature of activities and scope of expansion in it. Along with it, the workers are developed by providing them extra benefits of their functional areas. Development also includes giving them key and important jobs as a test or examination in order to analysis their performances.
5.     Performance Evaluation – In order to keep a track or record of the behavior, attitudes as well as opinions of the workers towards their jobs. For this regular assessment is done to evaluate and surprise different work units in a concern. It is basically concerning to know the development cycle and growth patterns of the employees in a concern.

Administration V/s Management

Administration Vs Management

The terms administration and management are used synonymously. Some writers argue that, there is no difference between these two terms. Running of a business requires skill which is called management and functioning of government departments and non-profits institutions requiring skill is called administration.
          It is a very common disputes for a long time that administration and management both are same or different various sector have different clauses regarding this and finding it very clear that both are different in the following ways –
1.     Administration is concerned with policy making where as management with policy implementation.
2.      Functioning of administration are legislative and largely determinative, while that of management are executive and governing.
3.     Administration is concerned with planning and organizing, but motivating and controlling functions are involved in management.
4.     Board of directors of any company is normally concerned with administration where as personnel below that level are in charge of management.

Differences Between Administration & Management
Basis of Distinction
Policy & Objective
Determines policy to be followed and decided the objectives to be achieved.
Implement the policy and achieve the objectives.
Directing of human efforts
Not directly involves in the execution of plan and achievement of objectives.
Directly involves in the execution of plan and achieving objectives.
Main function
Planning, Organizing and Staffing.
Direction, Motivation and Control.
Levels of executive
Top level executives
Lower level executives
Acts as a principal
Acts as an agency
Requires administrative ability more  than technical ability.
Requires technical ability more than administrative ability.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Planning Process

                                                         Planning Process                           

The planning process is different from one plan to another and one organization to another. The whole planning process is classified into following steps –
1.     Establishing Objectives – The first and primary step in planning process is the establishment of planning objectives or goals. Infect, speak categorically about what is to be done and where to place initial emphasis. The determine course of action is adopted for each section or department, product, for a quarter, month, week etc. Finally, the manager should draft a final plan in definite terms.
2.     External Environment – It is necessary to consider the external environment of an organization. The term external environment includes socio-economics conditions and political conditions prevailing in a country. Every organization has to prepare the plan according to the changing trends in the external environment.
3.     Internal Environment – It can be otherwise called as recourse audit means an analysis of the strength and weakness of an organization. Due consideration in made on the availability of recourses, profitability, plant capacity, available manpower, communication effectiveness and other factors.
4.     Determining Secondary Plans – It flow from the primary or basic plan. The preparation of a secondary plan is necessary plan. The secondary plan includes production schedule, purchase of plants and machinery, purchase of raw materials, consumable stores, selection, training and placement of personnel and like.
5.     Determining Alternatives Courses – The next logical step in planning is to determining and evaluate alternative courses of action. There can hardly be any occasion when there is no alternatives properly assess may prove worthy and meaningful. These alternative courses must be developed before deciding upon the next plan.
6.     Evaluation of Alternatives – After having all the suitable alternatives along whit their strong and week point a planner is regarded to evaluate the alternative it must be done to arrive at a decision.
7.     Selecting a course of action – The selection of the best alternative is based on the best alternative on the weighing of various alternatives. A course of action is determining according to the circumstance prevailing. No partiality is shown while selecting the best alternatives.
8.     Formulation of Action Programme – The term action programme includes fixing time limit for performance, allocation of work to individuals and work schedule. These are necessary to achieve the objectives within the specified period.
9.     Planning Premises – A host of factors, both internal have to be considered in the planning process. Since it is impracticable for a manager to innumerable forces, they should consider only such factor as are materially relevant. But even these strategic factors are full of uncertainties. Such predictions and assumptions about the future are known as planning premises.
10.                         Securing Participation of Employees – The successful execution of any plan depends upon the extent of participation of employees. So, the management should involve employees in planning through communication, consultation and participation.

Elements Of Planning

Elements of Planning

According to the usage and nature of planning, components of planning or elements of planning are divided into the following categories –
1.     Purposes or Mission Every company or a organized group activity has a purpose of business in generally the production and distribution of Economics goods and services. It is difficult to establish meaningful plans unless an organization has a clear and definite mission at a business. Every business system have a certain basic function or task’s is called mission.
2.     Objectives – The first important task of planning is to lay down objectives or goals. It represent the end towards which all other activities of management are directed. Objected must be clearly defined and properly communicated.
3.     Policies – Policies are guide to think in decision-making. It lays down the course of action selected to guide  & determine present and future decisions. Policy are great help in delegation of authority by a manager. And it should be periodically review and necessary changes be introduce in them which helps in achievement of goals.
4.     Procedures – Every plan must also lay down the procedures or way in which it is to be implemented, specifying the chronological sequence for the future activities. Rules are different from policies procedures than to policies as it signify some kind of regulation positive or negative & permit its wide application.
5.     Budgets – Budget is a dingle use plan containing expected results in the numerical terms. Budgets may be expression. Budget making is primarily a planning process where as its primarily a planning process where as its administration is part of controlling.

Span Of Management

Span of management/ span of control

Span of management means the number of people managed efficiently by a single officer in an organization. This is also called span of management, span of authority, span of supervision, span of authority, span of responsibility or levels of organization. This principle is based on the principle of relationship.
          Span of control refers to the maximum numbers effectively supervised by a single individual. The number of members may be increased or decreased according to the nature of work done by the subordinate or the ability of the supervision. In the administration area, under one executive, nearly four of five subordinates may work. The span of control enables the smooth functioning of the organization.
          The term ‘span’ literally means the space the between two supports of a structure, e.g. the space between two pillars of a bridge. The space between two pillars should be neither too large nor to small. If it is too large, the bridge may collapse and if is too small, it will enhance its cost. When this word is applied to management, it refers to the number of subordinates a manager or a supervisor can supervise, manage or control effectively and effectively.
          Therefore, span of supervision refer to the optimum number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor can manage or control effectively.
          Accordingly to Mr.Spriegal “ Span of control means the number of people reporting directly to an authority. The principle of span of control impulse that no single executive should have more people looking to him for guidance and leadership than he can reasonably be exacted to serve.’’  
          An organization is characterized by the presence of a number of levels and departments. But more the levels are created more will be the administrative cost due to additional staff required and more will be the difficulty to be encountered in communication and controlling.
          This is basically the problem of deciding the number of subordinates to report directly to each manager. According to this principle there is a limit of the number of subordinates that each managers can effectively supervise.
Basically there are two types of span of management –
1.     Narrow span of management – It leads to many level in heresy system in organization situation. Narrow span also effect employees moral adversely.
2.     Wide span of management – Wide spans of management leads to flat organization in which manager have a developing skill and experience of knowledge.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Definition & Nature Of Planning

Meaning, Definition & Nature

Planning is the first and foremost function of management. It is an intellectual process of thinking resorted to decided a course of action which helps achieve the pre-determined objectives of the organization in future. It is also the fundamental function of management and all other function like organizing, staffing, directing and controlling must reflects planning function of management. It is most important for higher level but this function is performed by every manager at their respective jobs. While planning the manager projects a course of action for the future aimed at achieving desired results for the enterprise as a whole and each department with in it.
          It deals with future involves forecasting. A manager does not plan about the past but he is guided by the post performance in the process of planning it requires projecting future activities at the organization. So, we can say that planning is forecasting and deciding in advance a course of action to be followed in the future.
          According to Terry, “ Planning is the selecting and relating of facts and the making and using of assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formulation of proposed activities believed necessary to achieved desired results.”
          H. Fayol says, “ Planning is deciding the best alternatives among others to perform different managerial operations in order to achieve the pre-determined goals.”
          The Essential nature or characteristics of  planning can be highlighted by the following points.
1.     Primary of Planning – The functions of management include planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. It is most basic management function. As a matter of fact all other function of management largely depends upon planning. For example control cannot exit without planning. Organization is also setup with a plan & objectives in mind. Planning is therefore the primary function of Management.
2.     An intellectual activity – Planning involves choosing the proper course of action from among alternatives & calls for decision-making which is an intellectual process. Change in environment bring opportunities, and involved risk as well. It is the task of planner to take advantage of opportunities and minimize the risk.
3.     A continuous function – Management is a dynamic process and planning as its function cannot be an exception to it. More over as plans beget a number of sub-plans and since plans have to be revised in the light of changing environment, planning becomes a continuous function of Management.
4.     Planning is flexible – As already pointed out, while planning, any one of the available alternatives is selected. Planning selects the best alternatives based on certain assumptions. There is a possibility of dead log in the functions of the management. Planning has one more alternative to suit future situations.
  1. For all managerial functions – Planning is a pervasive function of management. It is found at all levels and all departments of an organization. Top management looks after strategic planning. It involves choosing the future course of action from among alternatives.

Friday 24 August 2012

Function of Management

Function of Management

Function of Management are common to all business enterprise even for non-profit organization. According to Henry Fayol size group or function of management are – Technical, Commercial, Financial, Security, Accounting and Managerial.
          Mr. H. Fayol distinguished between principle and element of management and give five important managerial function. These important functions of management are discussed below –
1.     Planning – It is the most important part of management. It is the first process or management function in which it is decided in advance what to do, how to do, when to do, and by whom it is done. It is to think about future course of action for the business. So, we can say that it is the primary, step of management and helps in bridging the gap between present and future.
2.     Organizing – It is the secondary function of Management it is a group of human or material resource as well as the process of development of a structure of formally identified and distinguished tasks role’s and relationship. The organization divides the total work and co-ordinations all the activities by authority relationship.
3.     Staffing – It is one of the most important function of qualified and good employees. Staffing is a variable function of management and staffing process provides the organization with adequate number of complement qualified person at all levels in the enterprise. Staffing is a continuous function.
4.     Directing – The actual performance of a work starts with the function of direction. Planning, Organizing and staffing functions are concerned with the preliminary work for the achievement of organizational objectives. Direction includes guidance, supervision and motivation of employees.
5.     Controlling – It ensures that the achieved objectives conform to pre-planned objectives. It is closely related to the planning. But it should not be viewed merely as a postmortem of post achievement and performance. Infect a good control system has the characteristics of economy, flexibility, understanding and adequacy to organizational needs.

Principle of Management

Principle Of Management

Management has developed since the time when the world come into existence. It is the art of getting things done by a group of people with the effective utilization of available resources. Henry Fayol defines, “ To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to compound, to co-ordinate and to control.”
          Henry Fayol has set fourth the principles of management on the basis of his own experience in the mining company:-
1.     Division of work – It makes a man a specialist. The reason is that division of work helps to specialize in an activity which increase the output perfection.
2.     Authority and responsibility – Management is getting things done by others. A superior gives direction to his sub-ordinates to perform the job. Then the supervisor may exercise his authority is exercised. Responsibility is essential to perform a job correctly.
3.     Unit of command – A subordinate has only one supervisor. If not so, the subordinate does not perform any job perfectly.
4.     Unity of direction – The business activities are grouped on aye one of the base, normally on functional basis. The activities of a group are assigned to a person who is said to be a manager.
5.     Centralization – Everything increases the importance of superior’s role in, centralization, while everything decreases the importance of superior’s role in decentralization.
6.     Scalar chain – According to Henry Fayol, “scalar chain is the chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest ranks.” The communication flows from top to bottom.
7.     Order – The principle of right place for everything and for everyone should be followed by the management. It is applied to both material and men. The material should be kept in order in the place where it is necessary.
8.     Equity – Equity refers to a combination of fairness, kindness and justice. All the employees of the organization are treated equally by the managers.
9.     Stability of tenure of personnel – The security of job is an essential one. Insecurity of job results in the higher expenses. The development of any organization depends solely on the sincerity of laborers.
10.                         Initiative – A manager should have the conceiving and executing initiative. It will have psychological effect over the subordinates. The subordinates are free to express their views or opinions in the execution of the work.  

Meaning & Definition of Management

Meaning & Definition Of Management

Management is the process to manage the work by which most important elements can be achieved these are desire, goals and objective. For long run to success it denotes not only the function but also the people who discharge it. It denotes not only a special position but also a discipline.
          Management is the art of getting things done with people. It is the function of getting  things done through the people and directing the effort of individual towards a common objectives.
          According to the American Management Association, “ The art of getting things done through other people.”
          Peter F. Drucker defines, “Management is an organs, organs can be described and defined only through their functions.”
          Henry Fayol, “ To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to compound, to co-ordinate and to control.”
          Knootz and O’Donnel, “ Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working in groups, can perform efficiently towards the attainment of group goals. It is the art of getting the work done through and with people in formally organized groups.”
          Ross Moore states,” Management means decision-making.”
F.W.Taylor says,” Management is the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and cheapest way.”
          Management is the group of activities which drafts plans, prepare policies and arranges men, money, machine and materials required to achieve the objectives. The management gives satisfaction to and rewards those who are engaged in the operation and ensuring an excellent performance. In other words, management is the process consisting of the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the operations to achieve specified objectives.